
I’m Gene Turnbow

Writer, Filmmaker, Editor, Maker, and founder of SCIFI.radio

Sherman Oaks, CA

This site doesn’t have one specific purpose.  Everything I know how to do is represented here somewhere, and it’s pretty ecclectic. I’ve had an amazing life so far.

The Ethics of A.I.

A friend once asked me for my opinions on the use of artificial intelligence.  I've been a big fan of A.I. for most of my life, and it's been a popular theme in science fiction.  But now, we actually have credible A.I. in our social and commercial environment, and...

How to Write a Novel

I was asked for a tip to use when writing. Here’s my tip: ‘Outline the hell out of it’.

Artificial Intelligence in Art is Here to Stay. What Do We Do Next?

Time after time, new innovations do not wait for human society to figure out how we’re going to integrate it. There’s a reason these things are called “disruptive” in business jargon. They shake the box.

Free Modern Lab Backgrounds

Need some free lab backgrounds for Zoom? Go nuts. These are all copyright free, and made by me.

Migrating WordPress Content from One URL to Another

There is no more safe way to migrate a WordPress site from one URL to another than WPVivid Backup, and it’s free.

AI Art is Here to Stay. Better Get Used To It.

AI generated art is a problem, yes, but not for the reasons people think.  It shakes the box—hard.

Two Spaces After the Period, or One?

The short answer is: two spaces after the period. Read on to find out why.

Why is WordPress Showing the Number 3 After the Menu Items?

It’s that weird bug where the number 3 appears next to every WordPress menu item. It’s very common, but there is a fix for it.

Statements About Questions Are Not Questions

Statements about questions are not automatically questions themselves. We’ve been doing this all wrong.

Forcing Centovacast to Use LetsEncrypt Certificates for SSL

Starting with What Made Sense So the Krypton Radio web site has to go full SSL now because most modern web browsers (read “Google Chrome”) won’t let people visit without warning them that your web site will slay your children in their sleep if you don’t have an SSL...